When you enter Gartic.io, you can start the game by selecting a user name and the language you want to play. The words in the game are sometimes very difficult sometimes too easy but if you want to know all the words easily, you can use Gartic.io mods. Gartic.io mods provide word helper, draw helper, fester writer, inform giver, show players and better drawer tools to players.
What to Do in Gartic.io?
If you want to play the games of mind development then you will once try Gartic.io game which would help you to get something new fact and you can guess more words of English. When you are guessing the difficult words in the game then you can boost your points. It would help you to have more and more winning sessions soon. So, you can share your skills in this Gartic.io and will become perfect in English too.
General Settings for All .io Mods
- Zoom In/Out
- Change Background of Game
- Make Rainbow Background that changes color everytime
- Show FPS to see your current frames.
Private Settings for Gartic.io Mods
- Word Helper
- Draw Helper
- Faster Writer
- Inform Giver
- Show Players
- Better Draw Tools
- Adblock Plus+